the time comes to decide who gets the pot (showdown),
there is a set of hand rankings that is almost
universally accepted to determine who wins. These
are listed below from strongest to weakest.
- Royal
Flush – The best possible straight
flush. Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace all of
the same suit.

- Straight
Flush – Cards of five consecutive
ranks, all of the same suit

- 4
of a kind – Four cards of any
one rank, and any other card

- Full
house – Three cards of one rank,
and two cards of a second rank.

- Flush
– Five cards of the same suit that doesn’t
make a straight

- Straight
– Cards of five consecutive ranks when
not all five are of the same suit

- Three
of a Kind – Three cards of the
same rank and two unrelated cards

- Two
pair – Two cards of one rank,
two cards of another rank, and a fifth

- One
Pair – Two cards of the same
rank and three other unrelated cards

- High
Card – Known as a ‘Busted
Hand’. Five unrelated cards – no
pair, no flush, no straight. Nothing.

the event of a tie, the player with the highest
hand is determined by the value of the cards.
For example: If two players had the highest ranked
hand of a straight, one with an 8 high and the
other being 9 high, the 9 high straight would
be awarded the pot. Similarly, if two players
hold the highest hand of a pair of kings, the
highest card outside of the pair, the kicker,
will determine the winner of the hand.
multiple players have exactly the same ranked
hand, the pot will be split between them. If the
amount of the pot cannot be split evenly amongst
the winners, the remainder is given to the player(s)
nearest the Dealer button.